Monday, 29 January 2007

Winter Life

It's late January and there are a few signs of life down at the plot:

Curly parsley, unperturbed by the cold

Slug and frost-resistant spinach

Garlic shoots

And flowering pak choi

Monday, 22 January 2007


The Chorlton Allotment Project is a community-run 'grow your own' scheme, which encourages members of the local community to produce their own organic fruit and veg.

Based just off Nell Lane (near Southern Cemetary, Chorlton), we meet every Sunday from one in the afternoon onwards. Attendance is free, and all visitors to the plot get to take home produce for their own kitchen table.

We have five or so regular attendees who
tend to the plot, but we're eager to get more people involved.

If you would like to know more about the project, please email or

January 2007