The Chorlton Allotment Project is a community-run 'grow your own' scheme, which encourages members of the local community to produce their own organic fruit and veg. Based just off Nell Lane (near Southern Cemetery, Chorlton). The plot has been developed following permaculture principles and was designed during an Introduction to Permaculture course in the winter of 2005.
Bring food to share, beverages, seeds and plants to swap, fire wood, musical instruments, poetry etc. Also bring practical clothing for gardening and sitting around the camp fire on a cool temperate evening. Also if anybody has some small / old tools that they would like to donate to the project ..., since they have had stuff stolen over the summer. We will try and provide temporary shelter in the event of rainy weather. However if we do not get this together we will probably head off early to The Bar in Chorlton.
Directions: Click here for a Googlemap to Nell Lane Allotment. Turn of Nell Lane onto Arrowfield Rd (by the Cemetery), then turn right onto Wintermans Rd, and follow it round the corner. The main gate into the allotment is up on your right, but you can see the permaculture plot on the other side of the fence as you walk up the road. The gate will probably be locked so shout over the fence on the way up, and someone'll let you in.
Scedhule:5.30 onwards - arrive, practical gardening7.00 - Food to share, networking, 'Round table' to discuss MPN network issues, make announcements etc
After: camp fire, beer and wine and stuff(If you have any doubt about the weather or whether or not the event is taking place, than call me on 07974 658745. Also I have a couple of bags of firewood to take down if someone can give me a lift. Cheers ... Rob) * For more information on permaculture in Manchester, and general links visit ManchesterPermaculture.Net . We look forward to seeing you there ...