Tuesday, 25 February 2014

Spring is in the air

Spring is nearly here - you can feel it!  Snowdrops nodding, aconites spreading and it's positively warm in the polytunnel when the sun is shining.

So, if you're thinking of getting involved in a bit of food growing but don't know where to start, why not come down to the Lost Plot, one of Chorlton's community allotments?

We're actively seeking new members, because we need to get a head start and plan what we're going to grow for the coming season.

You can do as little or as much as you want, come every week, come occasionally, come with friends or come on your own.  There's plenty to do and always someone to have a chat to if you're a complete beginner.

This year, we'd still like to create a permanent asparagus bed, there's loads of salads to start off in the polytunnel and we're very keen to get cracking on the strawberry patch.

All welcome - either give us a call or just drop by on Sundays from 1pm.  There's often someone there on Saturdays too!

Here comes the sun...I can feel it!