Saturday, 6 April 2013

Spring is a-coming!

Another glorious day. Perhaps Spring really is coming.

Easter weekend provided an opportunity for two of us to get some fresh air and exercise and get some more beds turned over.

No matter how many times we dig, we're still finding jerusalem artichokes: lovely pink round ones and longer thinner ones, like pink fir apple potatoes.  A lovely addition to a veg soup or broth, but we need more people to eat them, not just admire them.

Polytunnel is earning its keep providing gorgeously fresh winter in snow leaves, parsley and the first rocket!

It's also doing the job of helping warmth loving seeds germinate and bringing some seedlings on.

Tomorrow is another chance to come along and have a dig and get sorted for the new growing year. On the menu will be putting in potatoes, more digging over of beds and creating an asparagus bed. Herb spiral still needs attention and the pond could do with a clean.

See you down at the Lost Plot from 1pm onwards.  We need to have a meeting to sort out who's doing what this year and new members are always welcome.

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