Tuesday, 22 April 2014

Chorlton's Big Green Happening Saturday 26 April

Just a reminder that it's the Chorlton Big Green Happening this Saturday 26 April 1 - 5pm at St Clement's.
Action for Sustainable Living are taking a stall and the Lost Plot will be joining in.

Come and along and say hello if you're wanting to get started on growing your own food, getting involved in an allotment or being part of a community garden project. We're actively looking for new members, so you'll be welcomed with open arms.

More details at http://chorltonbiggreenhappening.wordpress.com/

Things are hotting up down at the Lost Plot. A Community Commitment day saw Southway Housing sorting out a gate on the pond and a door to the fruit cage, as well as building a pergola.

Taking full advantage of the sunshine and days off over Easter, we've been preparing beds, spreading manure and sorting out the polytunnel. The rocket is delicious and there's more spinach and chard than we know what to do with...

Now is the time to start sowing whatever you want to eat later in the year.  Sarah is all set on green beans of any variety and I've stocked the propagator with tomato seeds. Fingers crossed for good germination and a bumper crop.

Anyone interested in joining us, just give me a call.  As well as Sundays, we'll be starting Thursday evenings at 6pm from the first week in May.  Come along and have a taste of the fresh rocket - you'll be hooked!

We've got a work day on Sunday 4th May, when we're wanting extra help so that we can open up the remaining beds. If you can spare an hour or two to help us get the site looking ship shape, there'll be rewards in heaven - or perhaps a slice of homemade cake!

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